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Simply Somatics


About Somatic Movement

Somatic Movement is a safe, gentle and accessible mat-based practice which addresses chronic muscle pain, free and efficient movement and body awareness. In a Somatics class you will be guided through a series of simple self-care movements to release tight muscles which may have become contracted over time due to injury, stress or often unconscious repetitive activity. The overall goal is to become more aware of habitual muscle tensions in order to release them (and change patterns).


The movements are practiced in a slow manner with the eyes closed to allow the brain to ‘relearn optimal movement patterns’. By helping us to reconnect and have more body awareness, we can then learn how to take back conscious control of our muscles, releasing habitually contracted muscles, creating more freedom of movement and helping to eliminate associated pain. Somatic Movement is, in essence, "Neuromuscular Re-education".


This style of Somatic Movement Education is based on the work and movements developed by Thomas Hanna 

“The most important thing for you to remember is that Somatic Exercises change your muscular system by changing your central nervous system”

Thomas Hanna (founder of Hanna Somatic Education)
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